Can You Wear a White Dress Shirt to a Funeral

Depending on the culture, wearing white to a funeral is fine and will not be off-putting if you choose to wear subdued colors to counterbalance the part of your outfit that is white. If wearing slacks and a jacket, choose a white blouse or dress shirt. If wearing a predominantly white dress, choose a darker peacoat.

Is it Rude or Appropriate to Wear White to a Funeral?

In certain instances, it is rude to wear all white to a funeral. Usually, it depends on the religious culture or the family's preference. If you're planning to attend a funeral, chances are you are familiar with the type of funeral regarding customs. And, of course, you're familiar with the family, right? Or maybe you're attending as support for a friend. Get the scoop on what type of funeral you're attending to know precisely whether you can wear all white or any white suitably.

  • Christian funeral. Whether the funeral is formal or casual, while almost any color is accepted, all white is considered inappropriate. It's best to stick to neutral or dark colors or minimal white.
  • Chinese funeral. Wearing all white, plain, and without any design is considered appropriate as it is viewed as a sign of grief and lamentation. Avoid wearing red as it symbolizes happiness and would be off-putting. Still, the best choice is black or subdued colors.
  • Hindu funeral. Mourners wear all white; they wear their attire in a casual style. Contrary to most funeral garb, black is not appropriate.
  • Buddhist funeral. Friends attending the funeral generally wear black; only the family wears all white.
  • Jewish funeral. Wearing all white is not appropriate. Dress conservatively and not in bright colors.
  • Thai funeral. Guests and mourners should wear black out of respect. Wearing all white is not appropriate.

If you are considering an all-white outfit and are unsure, a good rule of thumb is to check with a family member.

Unique Ways to Wear White to a Funeral

There are many ways to dress up your look by accentuating subdued colors with a splash of white. This will ensure you are not 'overdoing' it with a stark white selection.

How Can Women Wear White to Funeral

If you're searching for a woman's attire, particularly a wrap-around dress, this one on Amazon is a good choice. It is a predominantly black, smooth, non-discriminatory fit with white polka dots.

Try this ruffled sleeve with a flared skirt for a bolder but not too bold look. This gives you a bit of white and other light colors and is still perfect for a less formal funeral service.

Can You Wear White to a Funeral

For a business style, this two-piece dress in either black or royal navy works well for a traditional setting. The short sleeve and modest skirt length give off a conservative appearance.

Add a scarf for your splash of white. If you are searching for a woman's pantsuit, pair this with a casual white blouse for elegance.

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If you're interested in wearing an all-white dress, be sure to pair it with a subdued color and a piece that softens the majority of the dress. To do this, try a dark double-breasted peacoat. Whether you choose a stark white dress, a winter white, or a cream selection, this works.

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How Can Men Wear White to Funeral

For men's clothing, try pairing a solid white dress shirt with darker cotton slacks in either black, brown, or navy. For a formal funeral, add a dark jacket with or without a tie.

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Depending on the season, you can trade in the dress shirt and jacket for a white knitted turtleneck and black wool peacoat. A double-breasted long peacoat, or trench coat, works well in this scenario and gives you the option of wearing white or light-colored dress pants with your ensemble.

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For informal funerals, dress shirts are often replaced with polo shirts; however, a white polo shirt without a jacket or coat would not be appropriate.

How to Choose White Clothes for a Funeral

The best way to choose your funeral attire is to check your own closet first. Are there pieces you can use to get the look you desire? Do you have darker pieces that could compliment a new piece? Do you have a white blouse or dress shirt that could be paired with dark slacks and a jacket?

Suppose you find your closet lacking, not to worry. An excellent next step is to search online. Whether you decide to buy online or in a brick-and-mortar clothing store, you'll get a good idea of what you want from viewing your online options. Or, if you have a favorite clothing store, such as Belk or JC Penney, you can go directly to their websites.

Finally, try phoning a friend. If your friend is attending the funeral, ask for their advice. Let them know you are interested in wearing white respectfully and ask for suggestions.

Etiquette for Wearing White to a Funeral

If you plan to wear white, it is best used to accentuate darker, more subdued colors. Wearing predominantly darker colors, like forest green or a deep blue, will soften the starkness of the white.

While black is still the most popular choice of clothing for attending a funeral in most settings, wearing white can be done without fear of offending. Sometimes, the deceased's family asks their guests to wear a particular color to honor their loved ones. Usually, this occurs when the deceased was fond of a specific color.

Ultimately, as etiquette rules bend and change, appropriate attire will also. Trends indicate that wearing white, unless frowned upon by certain customs, will become more accepted as time goes on. When you determine the type of funeral you'll be attending and adhere to the wishes of the family, you'll be confident that your choice of attire will adequately honor the life of their loved ones.

The History of Wearing White to a Funeral

Dating back to Ancient Greece or earlier, sumptuary laws governed the attire of the day, even for funerals. The laws ensured men and women could be differentiated by class simply by appearance.

For instance, in 1559, an English proclamation stated, "None shall wear in his apparel any cloth of gold, silver, or tinsel; satin, silk, or cloth mixed with gold or silver, nor any sables; except earls and all of superior degrees."

Thankfully, we can now choose our own clothing, no matter our social status.

For many years it was customary to only wear black to a funeral, particularly in America or European countries. Black is associated with mourning and has been for hundreds of years.

In the Pre-Roman Empire, black was traditionally worn to funerals. Black and other subdued colors are appropriate because they do not call attention to the funeral attendees.

Traditions do change and, depending on the type of funeral, may dictate the type of clothing worn. For instance, if the service is more a celebration of life, you will find most attendees do not adhere to wearing all black or even all subdued colors.

No one-size (or style) fits all when choosing funeral attire exists.

Conclusion: Can You Wear White to a Funeral

When you're wondering whether you can wear white to a funeral, the best answer comes when you're in the know. Finding out if the funeral is formal or informal and knowing what is considered customary is the key to confidently showing up in appropriate attire.

  • It's imperative you find out about any pertinent religious or regional customs. Showing up in all white when in a setting where it is offensive can be detrimental to your relationship with the family and detract from honoring the deceased.
  • Knowing that you can wear white to a funeral and how to wear it without offending will ensure success in honoring the family and their deceased loved one. Wearing all white is seldom considered appropriate. Wearing white that is subdued by other neutral or dark colors is generally acceptable. Be sure to minimize white while bringing other colors into the forefront.
  • Understanding the history of funeral attire and the way etiquette has changed through the ages tells us two things: the progression of change in customary practices and an indication of the certainty that customs concerning funeral garb will continue to evolve.

Taking the time to choose your garments carefully for a funeral is critical. Remember to pair them carefully, limiting the white as appropriate. A good rule of thumb is to remember your choices should refrain from being too colorful or flashy but should be neutral. When deciding whether to choose a white garment for a funeral, remember the idiom, "When in doubt, throw it out."


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